About Us

Welcome to Hello Lincoln

This website was launched back in September 2024 to help everyone who lives, works and studies in Lincoln get the best out of our beautiful city.

We tell the stories from our diverse communities bringing you news, what’s on, features, business, sport and much more.

We’ve gone from strength to strength after an unheralded, adhoc start and we have now had almost 70,000 page views and can boast 9,500 individual visitors who have been able to read around 500 stories.

Be sure to explore the site through the category buttons below as we’ve been busy since we first launched.

We want Hello Lincoln to keep on evolving and become a proud gateway and resource for visitors.

BUT first and foremost this is YOUR website so we’d love to hear from you. Click to connect. Click to connect.

Hello Lincoln!

We’re Rachel and Amanda – just two of the people behind Lincoln’s dedicated website.

Some people may know us from the Lincoln Independent… we have been involved in local media for longer than we really want to admit, but we are proud of our Lincoln roots and the relationships we’ve developed over the years.

Those connections mean we are now in the privileged position of being the curators and caretakers of this site digitally communicate with people across Lincoln. It was been launched to keep all the city’s diverse communities connected - to each other, to what’s happening in Lincoln and to all that it has to offer.

We want to ensure that Hello Lincoln evolves into a major community resource for everyone who lives, works, studies and invests in the city as well as those who visit.

That is the main reason the business of the site will be operated as a Community Interest Company, which means all profits are invested back into the venture.

That’s more than enough about us. It’s now over to you, the people this website is designed to inform, entertain and empower.

We need your help to make sure Hello Lincoln provides the best service possible for the city, so we need you to get in touch with everything from your news, stories and events to photography, videos and any ideas you have for your community website.


Rachel on 07983 460640 or advertising@hellolincoln.co.uk


Amanda on 07816 675011 or newsdesk@hellolincoln.co.uk