Know someone who deserves a medal?
Do you someone who does little things that mean a lot those around them?
City of Lincoln Council is urging the public to nominate people who work selflessly for others without recognition or remuneration for Mayoral Medals.
“These achievements do not have to be monumental and could be something as simple as the kindness shown by an individual; in caring for an elderly or infirm neighbour or relative over a number of years,” explained Civic Manager Kate Fenn.
Last year recipients included Centre for Reconciliation (CFR) representative Subash Chellaiah for bringing people of different faiths, cultures and ethnicities together.
“The centre works with local communities and started the Lincoln Hygiene Bank and Lincoln Blanket Bank. As you can imagine, these provided much-needed support during the cost-of-living crisis,” said the then Mayor Cllr Biff Bean, who is pictured above with members from the centre.
“During the Winter months the CFR provided food to families who were finding it hard to cope at Christmas. The Centre runs a weekly “drop in” craft and chat group, a monthly community café and has helped to furnish people’ homes, collect clothes, household donations and toys and give them to the families which need them.”
Kate added: “There are many unsung heroes who contribute to our community in invaluable ways, from voluntary workers and charity fundraisers to those who organise local clubs, all of whom generously give up their free time ensuring a better quality of life for others.
“From small gestures to more significant efforts, every contribution is worthy of appreciation, and the Mayoral Medals offer the perfect opportunity to give someone the recognition they deserve.”
Kate will help the Mayor of Lincoln, Councillor Alan Briggs, judge the nomination and would love to see a bumper selection to go through to six deserving individuals to receive a medal
She explained: “Mayoral Medals were originally presented by the mayor to those returning to the City from the First World War, thanking them for their service to their country and city. In 1995, the council agreed to restore this historic tradition and present six Mayoral Medals annually”.
Nominations close on March 20, 2025 - to make a nomination visit:www.lincoln.gov.uk/council/civic-twinning.
The winners will be honoured in a special ceremony held at the city’s historic Guildhall on Tuesday, April 29.
Picture: Foxstar Media