Two new YMCA facilities in city
YMCA Lincolnshire has celebrated opening the doors of two new capital projects in the St. Giles area of Lincoln that promise to transform the lives of young people and those at risk of homelessness.
The St. Giles Youth Centre and vital supported accommodation, Sheridan House were visited by community leaders including Lincoln MP, Hamish Falconer, the Mayor of Lincoln Cllr Alan Briggs and City Sheriff Brian Harding where they were shown around by YMCA Lincolnshire trustees and colleagues
The Mayor, Sheriff, Homes England Senior Manager of Affordable Housing Growth, Christine Seaton and YMCA Lincolnshire Trustee, Kerrin Wilson declared Sheridan House officially open in a ribbon cutting ceremony when guests also had a chance to look inside the new apartments.
With support from Homes England, the £2.6 million project sees the transformation of a 1930’s house in the St. Giles area into 16 self-contained modern apartments providing affordable accommodation for those moving on the YMCA hostel to more independent living.
Guests then took a 10-minute walk to the St. Giles Youth Centre, designed to empower young people by providing a safe, inclusive space for learning, growth, and connection.
In 2023, YMCA Lincolnshire received £2 million for the redevelopment and refurbishment of St. Giles Community Centre from the government’s Youth Investment Fund - a project which aims to address the need for youth intervention in the area.
Before the official opening ceremony alongside Kerrin Wilson and young people of St. Giles Academy, Hamish Falconer MP said: “it’s so important that there are provisions for young people so that they can find, they can grow, and they can get the experiences that they need to become the great young people that I know they will be.”