Have your say on special needs in school hubs
Parents are being invited to help shape the first special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) hubs in primary and secondary schools across Lincolnshire.
Lincolnshire County Council is investing more than £7m in the programme, which will see the schools transform their facilities and recruit new staff – enabling children with additional needs to access high-quality support from specially trained teachers.
A consultation is now underway with parents encouraged to share their views on plans to develop the hubs at five schools including Meadows Primary School on Calder Road, Lincoln.
Cllr Mrs Patricia Bradwell OBE, executive member for children’s services, said: “This is an incredibly exciting programme that will make a real difference to the lives of our young people.
“Talking to parents and teachers, we know that many young people with additional needs thrive in mainstream schools but would benefit from more specialist support.
“That’s what this first phase of SEND hubs is set to provide, enabling children to access carefully targeted support in smaller class sizes, delivered by skilled staff.
“I would like to thank every school and academy for their fantastic response. By working together we can continue to ensure all Lincolnshire children get the education they deserve to reach their full potential.
The consultation runs until February 17 on the Let’s Talk Lincolnshire platform.
“We are really keen to hear the views of parents, so please take the time to share your thoughts”, Cllr Bradwell added.
In addition to the five primary schools, a further nine SEND hubs are being proposed for primary and secondary schools across Lincolnshire.