Become a befriender
More than a million older people go a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour or family member.
Age UK Lincoln and South Lincolnshire (LSL) aims to reduce social isolation and loneliness in the older generation across the region through its Befriending Service.
Its recent Befrienders’ Week was a national campaign to celebrate and raise awareness of befriending and the positive impact it has on individuals and communities. It is an opportunity to highlight the importance of befriending in combating the effects of loneliness and social isolation.
It is estimated that more than 2 million people in England over the age of 75 live alone and over half that number suffer social isolation.
“Our Befriending service has been in operation for over 66 years, with our founder Frank Eccleshare setting up a visiting service for older people in Lincoln,” explained Catherine Forces Age UK LSL’s Volunteering and Befriending Coordinator.
“It was the beginning of Age UK LSL as we now know it and the free service continues to be as much needed as it did then. Frank was a councillor and local builder who built low cost homes in the 1930s. He was also Mayor of Lincoln in 1960. When his mother went to live in a care home he was saddened to see the lack of provision for older people in the city.
“He set about building sheltered accommodation for the older generation by forming LACE Housing Association. In 1970 premises were bought in Park Street where we continue to provide activities, events, services and support for those over 50.”
The charity has had several names over the years. It started as Lincoln Association for Care of the Elderly then Age Concern, Age UK Lincoln, Age UK Lincoln and Kesteven and finally Age UK Lincoln and South Lincolnshire.
Over six decades on years and the Befriending Service currently supports over 90 clients across Lincoln, North Kesteven, South Kesteven, South Holland and Boston.
The service is free and is run by volunteers visiting an older person who live on their own, are unable to leave their home unaided and lack companionship. For many this is the only social interaction they have.
“In winter, with the shorter days, we anticipate that the demand for the Befriending Service will increase. To prepare for this prediction we are asking for people to consider volunteering to give their time to visit or ring an older lonely person in their community for an hour a week.
“Together we can tackle social isolation across our county.”
If you would like more information on joining the team of befrienders please contact Age UK LSL Volunteering Team at