City diagnostic centre opens
The new £23m NHS community diagnostic centre in Lincoln has officially been opened by the Mayor of Lincoln Cllr Alan Briggs.
He joined Lincolnshire Community and Hospitals NHS Group Chief Executive Professor Karen Dunderdale to cut the ribbon in a ceremony at the facility.
Prof Dunderdale said: “We have been seeing patients at this new Community Diagnostic Centre since just before Christmas and their feedback about the service available here has so far been excellent.
“It has been a pleasure to be able to welcome our partners and guests here for our formal opening to thank them and recognise the support they have provided us, and to show the difference it is already making to our patients and the experience they have.”
The Lincoln Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) is located on Beevor Street, within the Lincoln Science and Innovation Park.
Thomas Blount, Director of Lincoln Science and Innovation Park, said: “We are delighted to welcome the CDC to the Science Park. Along with our existing pharmaceutical facilities, opportunities to bridge the gap between healthcare and research and development to support the long-term wellbeing of our local communities continue to be created here.”
The CDC offers patients an alternative venue to have diagnostic tests quickly and easily as part of their care, away from busy main hospital sites.
The state-of-the-art services include MRI, CT, non-obstetric ultrasound, X-ray and echocardiology, available on referral from hospital or a GP. Patients can also access physiological testing, such as blood testing, ECGs, spirometry and FeNO testing.
It also has dedicated training facilities to support the training of future radiographers, linking directly with the Diagnostic Radiography programme at the University of Lincoln.
Lincolnshire’s CDCs are run by the same teams as Lincolnshire’s hospitals, with the same IT systems, continuing the care and treatment patients will already be receiving.