Something for the weekend – What does Scooby do?

Something for the weekend – What does Scooby do?

To get readers in a relaxed mode for ahead on a Friday we thought we’d tell you about Scooby the trainee therapy dog in our regular Something for the Weekend slot.

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Described as a gentle giant, Scooby, a two-and-a-half-year-old Red Fox Labrador, is currently training to be a dual therapy dog with owner Jo White, Counselling Service Manager, at St Barnabas Hospice.

Jo says: “He has been an absolute gift. He only came to us the week before Christmas, after his previous owner died, and he’s got the perfect temperament to be a therapy dog. So, I started to bring him into work and look at what he can do, and he is now officially in training to be a therapy dog.”

To become a therapy dog, Scooby needs to pass the Kennel Club Good Citizen scheme at the silver level, as a minimum.

 “We’ve just finished the bronze level, and that’s all the basics of sit, stay, wait, and heel, for example. We’re now working on the silver level, which is a little bit more difficult. We’re currently trying to get him to sit and wait before coming through a door. He’ll also go through a temperament check and if he passes, he can then be classed as a therapy dog, and we’ll move to the next stages.

Although he was initially nervous around walkers and wheelchairs, they’ve had support from the wider team to improve his confidence. Jo, Housekeeper at Lincoln’s Wellbeing Centre, has been welcoming Scooby in a wheelchair and offering him treats to help him feel more at ease.

Jo adds: “I got called up to the Inpatient Unit one day and had Scooby with me. The nurses asked if he could come and see a patient who was having a really low day. So, he did, and the man invited him onto the bed where Scooby laid down with him and they snuggled together bringing the most wonderful smile to the patient’s face. 

“That’s really what I want Scooby to be, a presence on the wards, attending therapy sessions with me, going to the bereavement groups and bringing a smile to people’s faces. It’s such a pleasure to see the joy he brings to people.”

“In the future, I’d also love to do some therapy dog walks, either where people can bring their own dogs along or they can have the comfort of having Scooby there.”

Jo says: “Everybody in the Wellbeing Centre loves him. The Maintenance Team now have Scooby snacks in their office!

“I would describe him as my ‘once in a lifetime’ dog. I drive a little Beetle, he sits in the back, and we’re hilarious! I’ve fallen in love with him, and he loves me the way I love him.”


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21 February 2025

